About Me

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Nazareth College, Rochester, New York, United States
We are three graduate students from Nazareth College of Rochester using this blog as an avenue for change. We want to share what we have learned about arts education with the rest of the community in hope of inspiring others to help us create change in our education system. We believe the arts are imperative for developing well-rounded students. This blog is designed to bring awareness to our topic while analyzing the specific ideological forces which undergird the funding of the arts as related to the mandates of No Child Left Behind (NCLB). Please join us in our fight for change by examining our blog posts. Feel free to comment on any or all of our posts - this is a public forum for discussion and learning, join us!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Diary of a Social Activist- Kim's Life with Theatre

            My first day of public high school was one of the most intimidating days of my life. I had spent the last nine years with the same twenty-seven students in a private school where I knew everyone. Now, I was in a public high school with 1,400 other people I had never met! What was I going to do? 

Music was required K-8 and I usually found it enjoyable so I decided to sign up for chorus in high school. It was not long before I realized how important that decision was to the success of my high school career. Within the first few days of practice I had a group of friends that enjoyed the same things and were generally in the same classes. Chorus eventually led me to try out for the school musical where my friendships only multiplied. The musicals taught me a variety of lessons which made a difference in my educational success. Being a part of the musical taught me things like time management and balancing schedules. It taught me how to self-manage my work schedule, my homework, my family obligations, and my play practices. I was forced to prioritize and make choices, but through all the hard work and determination, it was worth every minute. I developed my team building activities, developed friendships, and was feeling like I was a part of a community. Reading the script, memorizing lines, and developing characters took a great deal of work and was never an easy task, yet worth every minute.

Joining the musicals at my high school was the BEST thing I ever did for myself during high school. The friendships created still exist today and I can still look back on the whole experience and know it was a positive change. What were the arts like for you?

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