About Me

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Nazareth College, Rochester, New York, United States
We are three graduate students from Nazareth College of Rochester using this blog as an avenue for change. We want to share what we have learned about arts education with the rest of the community in hope of inspiring others to help us create change in our education system. We believe the arts are imperative for developing well-rounded students. This blog is designed to bring awareness to our topic while analyzing the specific ideological forces which undergird the funding of the arts as related to the mandates of No Child Left Behind (NCLB). Please join us in our fight for change by examining our blog posts. Feel free to comment on any or all of our posts - this is a public forum for discussion and learning, join us!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Diary of a Social Activist- Katies's Life with Art

The arts have always been an integral part of my educational life.  During grade school, I was involved in chorus, band, and the visual arts.  Even though I do not consider myself an excellent artist or musician, I always enjoyed participating in the school provided arts programs.

This drawing in particular holds a special place in my heart.  When I was in 6th grade, my aunt’s favorite dog was killed in a freak accident.  I remember her being devastated, and I felt her pain myself.  This dog was a great companion and friend to my aunt.  By using a special kind of paper, I etched this picture of her dog as a memorial.  Being a young student, and not yet having experienced the pain and emotions from the death of a friend (or animal), I had a difficult time expressing my feelings of sorrow for my aunt.  Creating and sharing this image with my aunt was a way of expressing my feelings toward her loss.  In this situation I used the visual arts as a way to creatively express my emotions.  I believe the arts are very important in this regard because some students have a difficult time expressing themselves verbally.  Providing artistic outlets opens up a whole new world for students.

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