About Me

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Nazareth College, Rochester, New York, United States
We are three graduate students from Nazareth College of Rochester using this blog as an avenue for change. We want to share what we have learned about arts education with the rest of the community in hope of inspiring others to help us create change in our education system. We believe the arts are imperative for developing well-rounded students. This blog is designed to bring awareness to our topic while analyzing the specific ideological forces which undergird the funding of the arts as related to the mandates of No Child Left Behind (NCLB). Please join us in our fight for change by examining our blog posts. Feel free to comment on any or all of our posts - this is a public forum for discussion and learning, join us!

Monday, December 6, 2010


DISCLAIMER: Although these resources are not all specifically quoted in our blog posts, the information and ideas may have had influence on our individual beliefs.

Amrein-Beardsley, A. (2009). Twilight in the valley of the sun: Nonprofit arts and
                culture programs in Arizona's public schools post—No Child Left Behind. Arts
    Education Policy Review, 110(3), 9-17. Retrieved from Academic Search Elite
Ashford, E. (2004).  NCLB’s unfunded arts programs seek refuge. Education Digest, 70(2), 22-26.
                Retrieved from Prakken Publications.
Chapman, L. H. (2005).  Status of elementary art education: 1997-2004.  Studies in Art Education: A
                Journal of Issues and Research in Art Education, 46(2), 118-137.  Retrieved from National Art
                Education Association.
Gullatt, D. (2007). Research links the arts with student academic gains. Educational  Forum, 71(3),         211-20. Retrieved from Education Abstracts (H.W. Wilson) database.
Ross, J. (2005).  Arts education and the newer public good.  Arts Education Policy Review, 106(3), 3-8.
                Retrieved from Heldref Publications.
Weiss, S. (2004). The arts in education: The progress of education reform. Education Commission of the
                States, (5)1, 1-4.  Retrieved from ERIC online database.

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